
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Putting the fun in dysfunctional

It was around 6 o'clock last night. Hank and Lyle were hanging out in the shade by the water trough, and Smooch and Deets had taken up their usual positions.

Smooch and Deets put the fun into dysfunctional relationship. Do they just want to play? Are they simply defending their turfs? Would they hurt each other? We'll never know, because Deets is smart and fast enough to steer clear of danger...

...and has a posse standing by for protection.

Smooch knows when she's outnumbered...

...and has to settle for a stare-down instead of a show-down.

Hank and Lyle figure the show's over and head back out to graze...

...but not before Lyle stops to have his fly mask put on.

And Smooch patiently waits for the next round to begin.


  1. What interesting pictures this morning ... I had to laugh at the look on Smooch's face and her determination with the paw in the fence and the nose also. Love the pictures of Lyle and Hank also!

  2. It looks like Smooch wants to be friends ...

    Great photos as always!

  3. I am surprised Deets didn't smack Smooch on the nose when he put it through the fence. He missed a perfect target.

  4. BACK AWAY FROM THE FENCE SMOOCH! GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF THERE! Loved the post but I have to say that Wynonna is getting short changed here.... I haven't seen too many pic's of her lately...

    Nancy in NC

  5. You do such great photo stories!!

  6. Is the Smooch/Deets staredown at the OK corral a regular event or was this a one time test of wills? Great photos!

  7. Penni, the staredowns are pretty much a regular event. The distance between noses keeps shrinking - perhaps one day they will come to peaceful terms.

  8. Ah, if only some day you could photograph Deets and Smooch in a loving embrace ala George and Alan and post it up top
    (Nah, won't happen) ;)

  9. I love seeing how they all interact as a family. Considering most families I know, they get along pretty darn good!

  10. I love horse noses!!! They are so soft!

  11. Love that "glance" Smooch gave to the back up gang. Yep, she was out numbered and out hoofed.

  12. Very cute series of pics. Deets definitely has Smooch's number.

  13. for the under-educated: fly mask? do they both have them?

    love to visit and see what the herd is up to!

  14. Molly, only Lyle wears a fly mask (here's a picture with it on: They're designed to keep the flies out of a horse's eyes, but Lyle wears his to keep his face from breaking out from the stuff he's allergic to in the pasture.

  15. That's hilarious! Your pictures tell such a story! know...they say we're a reflection of our pets....I'm just sayin'....*wink*

  16. Love the fly mask picture. It gave me my pre-coffee morning laugh, so now I can go have some high altitude coffee from my low altitude coffee maker...

  17. Thanks - I was puzzled when I saw the mask the first time but had to ask this time. Again - I love stopping by - your photos are wonderful.

  18. You crack me up! I love the stoy you tell with your pictures. The fuzzy chins are my favorite part!
