
Monday, August 31, 2009

Piggin' out with Wynonna

Wynonna works hard at maintaining her girlish figure. You've seen her exercise video, and today we'll show you part of her healthy diet. Here she is pigging out on bite-sized pieces of apple. I've left the music off this video so that you might truly appreciate Wynonna's table manners...or lack thereof.


  1. awww she is sweet she did not even knock the goat over when she missed that last bit... :)

  2. OMG!!! She eats like a pig! ;-)

  3. What a fun video. Wynonas quite a girl. What she lacks in grace I'm sure she more than compensates for in charm!

  4. Thanks for making my day, Carson. I love feeding animals. I know that it makes them happy and it makes me happy too. I have carrots for horses at the farm near me. They are always so happy to eat them. That crunch is such an amazing sound to me. Call me nuts,it doesn't matter. I loved the sound of Wynonna eating the apple. The little goat tried desperately for that last piece. Alas she's a pig.
    Best always, Sandra

  5. Why she has fine manners. She waits patiently for the next bite and chews (for the most part) with her mouth closed. :)

    Which equine is banging the water trough in the background? My horse used to do that so the water would splash up on his face.

  6. I thought she was being the perfect lady taking those apple bits so daintily. What a cutie.

  7. She's so dainty and polite. What a sweet pig.

  8. That was just what I needed this morning. I think she's quite a lady with impeccable table manners.

  9. Lol, that is the best face on that pig. I just love her to pieces!

  10. How nice of her to share! Love her lil' piggy noises...she's a lady for sure!

  11. She's such a sweetie, and...who needs table manners when you don't have a table... :-)

  12. What a girl! What a girl! Yep, you just gotta love her!

  13. CeeCee, that would be Lyle bangin' the drum, which in this case is an old leaky water trough I use to feed hay. Makes quite the racket but he has succeeded in desensitizing everybody (but me) to loud scary noises.

  14. I guess that's the lipstick on a pig thing. My she is a dainty rascal...hah!

  15. She is without a doubt adorable.

  16. So delicate! So refined! So.....noisy!

  17. I enjoyed her eating etiquette, but how did I miss her workout tape?! Funniest thing I've seen in ages....could be because I worked out this morning and it felt a lot the same :( I'm so glad I saw it :)

  18. I think Wynonna has impeccable table manners :)

  19. Now there is a girl who is not afraid to show that she enjoys her food.
