
Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday's Favorite Porcine Princess

I've never asked you all who your favorite 7MSN inhabitant might be, but judging from the comments received whenever I post a picture of the porcine princess, I think Wynonna might come out ahead in any official poll. Everyone's favorite pig will be getting way more than her 15 minutes today – Janet Roper is having a Talk to the Animals practice session at her site, featuring the amazing Miss W. Head on over there to read what Wynonna said in a recent conversation with Janet and to learn some fascinating stuff about animal communication.

Wynonna doesn't have to say a word to tell me she wants to an opportunity to mow the lawn – she just stands at the gate and waits 'til I open it.

Since the "lawn" is technically Smooch's turf, it's not every day that Wynonna is allowed entry...

...but she does a fine job of keeping the lawn weeds down to a manageable height.

Alan and George do seem concerned that a certain piece of pork is getting preferential grazing rights.

Not that Wynonna would care, of course.

She has her own concerns about the strange creature she meets on the way back to the barn.

Eating can be so exhausting.


  1. All your animals have so much personality but there's no doubt the most beautiful is Wynonna.

  2. The Flying Burro Brothers are my favorites, but Wynonna is workin' that full figured gal thing like nobody's business.

  3. It's tough being a pig, especially a starlet pig.

  4. Carson,

    Wynona, my lovely! Where has she been! I have been woried aboout her. She does such a nice job on the lawn though...

  5. OK --- now I know the lawn is more important than ME! My feelings aren't hurt, not much anyway.

  6. I'm new here, so this is the first time I've seen Wynonna but I have to agree: she's awfully cute!

  7. I just cracked up over Wynonna and her grass/weed-eating adventure.. it looks like she's running through the gate in picture #2. What did Smooch think of Wynonna invading her territory?

    Sounds like you had fun (?) with your power outage ... was that due to the storms you anticipated?

  8. Hey Carson: Thanks for the piggy update. She sure steels the show.
    And now for Mr. Billygoat n'est-ce pas?
    I see that you are a roper too. Gosh I spent a few hours trying to hook the saw horse with a plastic cow head on it and let me tell you I didn't pass. Imagine doing it on horseback and real cow. It's hours of trying again.
    Keep up the great work with your blog. You always make my day!
    Best always, Sandra

  9. She looks so cute with all that grass hanging out of her mouth.....

    I guess Miss Piggy of Sesame street is true to life. It seems just like something she would do.

  10. ahhh how could she not be our favorite, what a great picture of her sleeping!

  11. Oh I just come running when Wynonna is featured on the blog. She and I think alike, and OK look alike. :-)

  12. Aww, she is definitely my favorite little princess and adventuress. Give her a big kiss on that adorable snout for me.

  13. Wynonna Rocks! I want a T-shirt.

  14. George and Alan are my faves. Shh, don't tell Wynonna she's third...

  15. Wy seems to be thinking that she's looking in the mirror at the cow head.
    I love the Princess.

  16. All your animals are adorable, but the most beautiful is Smooch! Love her! Wynonna is beautiful too and she has great personality!

  17. I do love that pig. Her face just does me in. I want to smooch her thru the computer!!
    She's my fav, hands down, but don't tell the others...

  18. Wynonna's personality is even bigger than her belly (if that's possible!). What a funny girl - I can't imagine what it must be like to see her trudging around your property every day in her sweet pudgy porcine way. :-)

  19. Wow Wynonna has a tough life doesn't she?!
    I don't think I could chose a favorite from your menagerie!

  20. I just read Wynonna's article on the other blog, and must admit that I am not surprised by her porcine intelligence. :)
    I have always known she knew more than she let's on.

    Great pictures, Linda!

  21. I read your blog all the time (looove the photos!) but don't usually comment.
    This time I thought I'd pop in and say that while all your critters are adorable... IF there was a poll I'd be voting for Alan :) (although Smooch is a heck of a dog!)

  22. Now that's a sweet treat. Does she ever let you hug her? I would want to give her a big squeeze.

  23. LOL! She has the most expressive face!
