
Monday, August 3, 2009

The ambassadors of happiness

If these two don't put a smile on your face, you might want to think about going back to bed.


  1. I love the new header - those two are quickly becoming my favorites!
    Have a good day. I hope you have a nice breeze at your back.
    Nancy in NC

  2. I'm smiling,even though secretly, I'd like to go back to bed.

  3. This is exactly what I need to see on a Monday morning. Those boys just always send me on my way with a grin.

  4. i want to kiss their noses :) they always make me smile!

  5. That is the truth! If you can't smile after seeing these two, you are in for a bad day!! Hope you have a good one!


  6. They seem to be inseparable!

  7. Hey Carson - i was just looking thru some older post and saw the one abt the upside down tomato plant. How's it hanging these days? Are you eating fresh 'mater samich's?
    Nancy in NC

  8. You might say that they are "jolly!"...Or maybe, they're "having a ball!" Nice wake up (tho I wouldn't necessarily want to see that image right in front of me when I first opened my eyes!)

  9. Great new header! that made me smile even before I saw the next picture.

  10. Lovely photo! They make me smile!

    Linda, I love your blog! I check in often and I'm always amused with your photos and text.

  11. I'm smiling....thank you....they are just too cute

  12. Great photo! I'm headed back to bed, but with a smile on my face!

  13. I'd like to spend the next several years just watching your animals.

  14. Yep, made me smile :) Love that header picture!

  15. Adorable! I just want to hug those big, fuzzy heads! speaking of heads, I love the new header photo!

  16. They never fail to put a smile on my face AND I'm always thinking about going back to bed! ;o)

    Love the shot of the two of them on your header. Too cute for words.

  17. What a great way to start the day! I simply adore those two and you are SO lucky to have them to entertain you 24/7!

  18. That must be why they call it a "jolly ball". I love those guys. They need their own TV show!

  19. love it, love the title pic too.
    my little guy's ball is about had it, guess it's time for a new one but this one is all broken in

  20. Yes, i'm smiling, I'm smiling.

  21. Sweetie pies!!
    I was just looking through old photos this morning. It's incredible to believe that just a year ago at this time, I had 5 beautiful donkeys galloping around my property...I'm sure glad I took as many photos and videos as I did...

  22. Oh my goodness, that's adorable! And your header picture is great. Those two must give you lots of reasons to smile.

  23. It seems that George is the Big Brother and Alan is the feisty little cuddlebunny brother. Is that accurate?

  24. Smile, indeed! George and Alan are becoming my favorites. How could you possibly not enjoy reading about them and looking forward to their photos!

  25. Nancy, I was hoping no one would remember the upside-down tomato plant...but since you asked, it has yielded a whopping harvest of 6 tomatoes, which is 6 more than last year's crop, so I shouldn't complain. I blame the water.

    June, George is the Big Brother by virtue of size only. Alan is the one with the street smarts. They seem to trade off the leadership role depending on the circumstances.

  26. Oh my yes... they make me smile. I wonder though... are they soft or kind of bristly like?

    The problem with this picture is it's just a teaser...we need MORE!

    George & Alan Fan

  27. Anonymous G&A fan, it depends...I'll try to answer your question in pictures sometime soon.

  28. Oh, I certainly do find a smile on my face after seeing these two - or even one of them...or a dog...or a cat...or a horse :)

  29. OK, the new header pic --- CUTE beyond words!! Rockstars.

  30. He He! They are so stinkin cute!

  31. Yes, they are just clowns aren't they? Your new header is too cute!!
