
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The many sides of Smooch

I'm often asked what breed of dog Smooch is. New Mexico Mutt and Anybody's Guess are my usual responses, but those breeds are yet to be recognized by the AKC. Whatever Smooch is, she's a dog's dog. Yes, she. Smooch acts like a mischievious little boy most of the time, so everyone assumes she's a he. Not so.

Topping out at 36 pounds, Smooch is a lean machine. She climbs and jumps with the agility of a Border Collie...

Has the curiosity of a Rat Terrier...

the intelligence of a Lab...

the prey drive of a Whippet...

the energy of a Jack Russell...

the determination of a Red Heeler...

the instincts of a Fox Terrier...

the strength of a Pit Bull...

And the discriminating palate of a food critic.


  1. Good dog. She appears larger in pictures than she is. 36 pounds isn't very large. But her personality is huge.

  2. Yay Smooch! Great photo essay :)

  3. Ha! All that work and she doesn't want her tiny, furry snack. My dogs are the same way when the cat brings up a sacrificial offering. "Wow, snacks! Eeeww, it's furry!"
    Great photo essay.

  4. I love Smooch and your explanation of her 'breed'. I was amazed that she isn't larger then you say ... she sure looks large/tall in her pictures ... I imagined her at least 50-60 lbs.

  5. So you couldn't have many dogs so you got a few dozen in one package. Smooch RULES! (Oscar and Lucy, my Fox Terriers, say so.)

  6. Great photos! I am enjoying your blog very much.

  7. Cute dog with obviously a lot of personality. We had a dog at one time that people would ask what breed he was and we'd say muttski

  8. Miz Smooch is a dog with personality plus. I'm sure she keeps you entertained all day and she's such a sweetheart too.

  9. I always thought Smooch was a boy. Sorry Smooch!! With all those amazing attributes, I should have known you were a girl! ;o)

  10. Great series of pictures. Smooch has a lot of focus and concentration also.

  11. Is she a silent hunter? I would add Basenji to the list of ancestors!

  12. Smooch - she must have some real kissy breed in her ancestry, too.

  13. Cowboy thinks she's lovely and would like to meet her!!! Great post! Everyone loves Smooch!

  14. What a great build-up to the climax in the photo essay. Bertie (all four and a half pounds) sends his greetings from the High Plains of New Mexico.

  15. My yellow lab catches mice and moles! Too funny! Took a bit of a boggy break glad to be back!

  16. Wow I love your photos. The Horse Roll had me laughing out loud and these sweet pictures are incredible.

  17. didn't realize she was so small. yes, as someone said, she does have a big personality! My Bali (whom she has an incredible resemblance to) was 70 pounds......
