Friday, June 12, 2009

Wynonna finds her comfort zone


  1. Wynonna has to have the cutest face around! So stinkin' cute!

  2. I think I would enjoy Wynnona. I hear pigs are super smart — is she? If so, please send her to balance my checkbook.

  3. We haven't had a visit from Wynonna for a while ... by the looks of the last picture she's quite satisfied and comfy! Wynonna rocks!

  4. Awww,how adorable is she. Can you stand it. Thanks for the pics, I may just have to use one of these to cheer me up every morning.

  5. She has the right idea that is for sure...Oh the life of Wynonna.....the best!

  6. We are headed back east soon and can't wait to find MANY clumps of grass to roll in. I am glad Wynonna can find such please in just one. By the looks of her, she is really enjoying that roll in the grass. I can hear her grunting and moaning with pleasure all the way in northeast AZ. so those pictures are worth a million grunts?

  7. Do you think I could find that level of contentment just by rolling around in the dirt?
    You can practically hear her happy little grunts and sighs in those pictures!

  8. Is this Hog Heaven? I always wondered where that was.

  9. What a happy girl. I hope you remind her how good she's got it from time to time. :o)

  10. I wish I could be that relaxed! Wynonna reminds me of a pot belly pig that used to live next door to my old house. She'd come over to eat crabapples that fell off my tree.

  11. Great pictures. She looks so comfy and relaxed there.

  12. I come running whenever I see Wynona in the subject line. Glad to see my girl is feeling good.

  13. All I can say is - Wynonna, try to relax!

  14. Oh I was excited to see Wynonna in the subject line too! How can you not just snuggle her up? I love her!

  15. I love how she's using the grass as a little cushion for her sweet head!

    She is adorable.

  16. I was wondering what she has been up to I see :)

  17. I just love Wynonna she makes me smile. She has such an expresive face!
