
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Will Work for Carrots

Though George and Alan started their driver's ed class months ago, progress has been slow...until this week. With help from my sister, my old friend Chuck, and copious quantities of carrots, there have been brief moments of burro brilliance out on the driving range, and here is one of them. Please don't hate me if the soundtrack to this little video gets stuck in your head.


  1. Oh those little charmers! And yes, the melody is stuck...

  2. it is stuck in my head....cute burros....

  3. ha! who would have guessed someone wrote a song for those two slackers. No offense intended to George and Alan by the slacker comment. I love the longears and KNOW how smart they are. Their intelligence and the adorable factor makes it possible to scam alot of treats, scritches and down time. seems you got their number, with the carrots!!!

  4. Now that is too cool and I do love that soundtrack!!! HA!

  5. Hi Carson
    Great video and the little ditty fits in quite well indeed. Thanks for making my Friday a happy one.
    By the way, will you all be ready for the 4th of July parade this year. The two of them look like they'll do just about anything for carotts.
    Best always, Sandra

  6. Oh, I just love the soundtrack and of course, absolutely adore George and Alan.

  7. Wow, they were really movin' there! So...if you need a carrot tempting 'roadie' for the big parade you're training for, let me know. I would be honoured. ;o)

  8. Where did you find that song??? ha haa

  9. Heehee! Hey I guess there is no better motivator than food! At least for these boys!

  10. Part of me can't believe it works! The carrot on a stick trick.

    What sweet fellas they are! I absolutely love the photos of them napping together.

  11. I'm ready to marry them and have their babies.

  12. I'm so glad to see your funny guys have a goal (not driving -- getting the carrots). They're doing so well!

  13. Once again you've succeeded in cracking me up.

  14. Burros seem to be worth their weight in fun.

    And yes, I am now singing that song.

  15. Enjoyed reading your blog today. I am still finding my way around blogland....I always love making new friends..I am posting about Disney so hope you will stop by. Commenting automatically puts you in the drawing for the June giveaway.

  16. It's amazing what a bit of bribery will do! :)
