
Monday, June 1, 2009

This must be how kids feel when they're sent away to camp

Dear sweet lonesome Maggie. Her family dropped her off last night, and she's already homesick. It broke my heart this morning to see that she had tried to dig out under the gate. Good thing Maggie is a little pudgy – she doesn't stand a chance of being successful.

Maggie is safely contained in the back yard, while Smooch is safely contained in the front yard, and Wynonna and Willie are confined to quarters this week. And as long as I remember who's where and when, peace shall reign in this animal kingdom.


  1. It looks like she has a nice setup, but she looks sad.

  2. Awww, what a sweet face Maggie has! I love that first shot, though both are exceptional as usual.

  3. Oh...what a sweet face....By the end of the week, she will be feeling right at home!

  4. aw, I can tell she misses her family. Great shot of the eyes.

  5. What a pathetic look -- you sure it's not going to work with you?

  6. poor little thing...I bet her family misses her too....

  7. Awww, what a sweetheart!!

  8. awwwww so sad hope her people come home soon.

  9. Oooohh, please tell Maggie it will be OK and her people will be home soon. She looks a little doubtful about it. Makes you wonder what goes through their heads, huh?

  10. Poor Maggie, guess she just wants to go home.

  11. Awww I always feel so bad when we have to leave our pets :(

    She is very cute. She and smooch do not get along?

  12. Hope she settles in til her people return. Poor baby.

  13. Oh, what a sweetie. Poor little girl doesn't understand what's happening. I don't think we can really fathom the depth of love our animal companions have for us. My boy, Bear, doesn't eat very well when I'm away, I've been told.

    I'm sure that she'll cowgirl up soon once she sees all the fun that's to be had there with you & your wonderful herd.

    Hugs all 'round,

  14. Poor baby. By the time she adjusts, it'll be time to go home.
