
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Skywatch – The Uninvited Guest

I'll start this post at the end of the story, not wanting to disappoint the Skywatch viewers who come over to see who's posing in front of a New Mexico blue sky this week. 

This bullsnake showed up in the barn last Tuesday.  For purposes of this story, I shall call him Slippery.

It was dinnertime, and I was busy preparing the boys' meals. There was a commotion in Lyle's stall and I went to investigate. There was Slippery, and Lyle was chasing him. What a surprise. I watched Slippery slide into the feed room and slither behind the trash can. Swell. But at least I knew where he was. I finished making everybody's dinner, albeit on high alert and grateful that I wasn't wearing flip-flops for a change.

Wednesday morning, with much trepidation, I looked behind the trash can and Slippery was still there. In fact, he hadn't moved an inch since I'd last seen him. Hmmm. Wednesday at lunch time, he was still there and he hadn't moved. Hmmm. Wednesday at dinner time, same story. Was he even alive? Had his encounter with an over-curious horse caused a fatal heart attack? Surely he'd begin to stink up the joint if he were dead. Hmmm. I would postpone any decisive action until the next day.

Thursday morning - Slippery is still motionless behind the trash can. It's time to cowgirl up and figure out if he's still alive. Deets comes along to assist.

If you're having trouble watching the video above, you can also find it here.

Deets seemed content to let sleeping snakes lie, but not me. I wanted to go into the feed room without fearing for my life. It was time for a little "catch and release" with my custom-built snake pole, which Miss Mikey taught me how to make here.

I gathered my weapons, opened the door, slipped the noose over Slippery's body, and he promptly slid right out of it and slithered away to places unknown. Note to self: be quicker next time.  And is it me or is that feed room starting to look like a speakeasy?

Lyle was just as disappointed as I was that we didn't catch him. Tomorrow's another day. sign of Slippery. Not good.  I know he's around somewhere. Friday...still no sign. Maybe he got the hint and left town? Late Saturday afternoon...I'd just arrived home with a load of hay.  First I'll get everybody fed, I thought, then I'll unload the hay.  I open the feed room door. 

I'll get you, my pretty.

And I did! The snake pole worked like a charm.  I caught Slippery, placed him in a trash can, then took a long walk off the ranch.  Before I set him free, I caught him one more time so I could take a picture just for you.  

When last seen he was headed east, in the direction of my neighbors' place.

I called to let them know that: 1) they may have an uninvited guest for dinner and 2) they might want to grab that snake pole I made them for Christmas.


  1. I may not be able to sleep tonight, Linda! I just finished my latest library book and decided to "check in" to see if you had a new post after all. I'll have to look in the older posts another day to see if the story behind the snake catcher is there! Belton Belle

  2. Oh Gosh....if I have nightmares, it's well....slippery's fault, I just can not stand to look at snakes.

    This is twice in one week I found a snake in a blog post....I better look for a few blogs with lots of flowers before I go to bed...I may dream of being chased by snakes on poles....not funny!

    Nice sky however!

  3. Yeesh, I don't think I'd have been able to leave him curled up in there for that long. I'm sure glad you collared him and moved him out of town without any mishaps. That Deets is sure one cool deputy.

  4. You and Lisa both had Bull snakes, hmm and you both are in NM, the snakes can stay there! LOL Slippery looks like a big one! At least he is a good snake. Might give you a fright now and then but I guess those are the kind to have!!
    How big was he?

  5. Holy cow! He's a beauty,but I wouldn't want him in my feed room, either! Just seeing the photo of him moseying away gave me shivers. Deets was too cute on the video, it was fun to "hear" him talk.

  6. All I could think of as I watched the video was, run Deets, run! Is he crazy? I don't think I would even be catching Slippery with a snake pole! I would be calling in the reinforcements! But good job, getting rid of it, twice! I sure hope your neighbors are ready! Slippery looks like one big snake!

  7. Aw! Bull snakes are some of the good guys. Non-venomous and eat bad critters like mice, rats and voles. Let him hang around. We've got terriers and we still rely on Bull Snakes to take care of the vermin.

  8. They are such big fellas! They are our friends. They are our friends. Oh, yes.

    Ah'm gonna git me a snake pole. (And that's exactly how they talk in these parts of NM).

  9. I know very little about snakes. Are bull snakes poisonous?

  10. What an adventure! Once I spot a snake around here, it'd do or die til it's found and removed ... I just don't like the critters and don't like them invading my space.

    You are so calm about it all ... whew, not me!

  11. I called my hubby over to look and his first comment was "She named a SNAKE?" I explained that you had developed a relationship over a few days...

  12. I know that bull snakes are "good" snakes and eat mice and all that but the fear factor is just too much.

  13. This is why I could never live where you do. I couldn't even look at these pictures. I high sped scrolled through them. Sorry! I just fear snakes like no other. You are very brave!

  14. Aw! I'm sympathetic to snakes. I'm afraid I would've had to let him stay. But my husband would've screeched like a little girl (and been less kind.)

    Cool photos! Cute video: Deets to the rescue. Not!

  15. He's beautiful!! What a lucky day for you and for Slippery!

  16. Fascinating - I'm going to have to check out this snake (safely online). I'd heard of them, but didn't know that they were dangerous (not that a gal particularly wants to be bitten by a harmless snake, either!)

  17. I must admit that I am more afraid of spiders than I am of snakes-oh and scorpions you have those as well?-but I don't know if I would like to have such a big snake in my barn area.

    Is he harmless and does he catch rats/mice?

  18. These bullsnakes are not dangerous to humans, unless you are prone to pass out at the sight of big snakes and happen to hit your head on the way down. And they are worth their weight in gold for the number of rodents they eat. It's just that they do an excellent rattlesnake impression whenever they're afraid - that's just not something I wanted to deal with every day, hence his removal from the feed room. I estimate this one was about 5 feet long, but they can grow up to 8 feet.

  19. Great story and nice pictures. Snakes are so cool!

  20. Sure he was a bull snake? Hmm, they look different in the SW than in PA. The first one I ever met dropped down from the hay loft in the big dairy barn we kept our horses in......ONTO the BACK of my horse. Wow--now I know the reason for quick release snaps on cross ties!

    I'm gonna have to make one of your snake poles, and maybe keep a few of them around our place....fur sure!

  21. IiiiK! I just had every one in the house running to see what happened and why I'm squeaking. I can't stand snakes and I didn't expect one in a sky photo. Nice sky though. =)

  22. I have a phobia of snakes, but I have to say these pics are awesome.

    Have a great weekend.
    Regina In Pictures

  23. EW! You are way braver than I am. LOL

  24. Loved this post, all except the snake that is. My husband and I are planning to retire to New Mexico. I have bookmarked the snake pole directions.
    Great photography!

  25. That is definitely never going to happen my ways. Scariest skywatch.

  26. I love snakes but I have no idea if he is a bad one or not!

    He sounds like he had a bit of a personality!

    My Skywatch is here

  27. Thank you for YOUR comment about bull snakes, as I did not know this and thought it to be a rattler. There is so much fear around snakes (I blame Christianity). It is sad and we need to do a better job in educating our friends that these animals share the earth with us ("worth their weight in gold") even if there is no direct "benefit" to humans.
    You are a great storyteller! Thanks again!

  28. you are a brave woman to tangle with a snake. i don't care for them one bit whether they are good or bad ^..^
    enjoyed your post very much.

  29. Only we crazy bloggers would run for the camera when we see something that others would run FROM.

  30. Never dull would be an understatement here! Wow. What a beautiful sky to face that adventure under!

  31. Such a beautiful BIG snake! You have some wonderful photos here.

  32. Yikes! Sounds like quite a week. I'm with CeeCee, only people like us would run for the camera! I love the cat just lying there kindo of keeping an eye on Slippery!

    Great shot for Skywatch.

  33. Okay ... I am now fighting the urge to put my feet up on the rubbish can beside me. :-)

    Having said that, this is still a cool post... with great photos and video. :-)

  34. Well better a bullsnake than a prairie rattlesnake which, by the way, I stepped on 2 weeks ago and managed to come away unscatherd (can't say the same for the snake).

  35. Good for you taking care of that snake! I would have run screaming and knocked myself out trying to get away. A 6 foot long rat snake fell off my patio cover last summer. You have never seen anyone run like I did. The only snakes that dont freak me out are garters and hog-nose snakes.
    Bull snakes around here have a pissy attitude.

  36. I like this action packed series on this bull snake...Thomas
