
Friday, June 19, 2009

Let's wrap this up...the dinner bell is about to ring

I've had a lot of fun this week, reliving my adventures at the Carrizozo Cowboy Days with you. But all good things must come to an end and it's time to get back to our regularly scheduled programming, which is too bad because I love saying Car-ri-zo-zo. It's only fitting that such a cool town should have such a cool name. (Long-time readers may even remember that I bought my dining room table in Carrizozo this time last year.)

Since no adventure away from the 7MSN would be complete without a little retail therapy, I have for you Exhibit A – an iron dinner bell adorned with a burro.

And guess works!


  1.'s perfect!!! We must have donkeys on the mind tonight. Being home from my little escapade Monday and not having to go to work for 8 weeks.....well, it kinda makes me sleep in and stay up late. I am honored to be the first comment!!!

    Yup, that therapy has always worked for me. You're a gal after my own heart!

  2. OMG! I love that video! I have a bell similiar to that one, and I will ring it, they don't come running! But what is so cute is that the goats will get up on the wooden spool by the bell, and ring the bell on their own!
    Thanks for making me laugh and smile!

  3. What a lovely video! Absolutely wonderful. I'm jealous!

  4. Now that is just too good, and funny! Again, I know NOT to drink my morning coffee while reading your post anymore, and this one definitely would have had it spread from here to .......

    Cute dinner bell and how cool is that that everyone comes, although some run and some just take their time! HA!

  5. Carlyce in Wisconsin6/19/09, 5:14 AM

    That is SO cute! I am a fan of the 7MSN animals. I just love them and your great blog.

  6. Oh, Linda, that video is the best thing I've seen in a long time. It should be a TV commercial.

    I love Lyle heading straight for the bell, and the donkeys doing their regular "you go first" dash past Hank.

    A classic!

  7. Hi Carson: I had to watch the You Tube a couple of times I enjoyed it so much. The dinner bell is ingenious. How 'bout Wynonna and Smooch and Deets? Do they fly up to the barn for dinner too? In any case you made my Friday. Thanks so much.
    Best always, Sandra

  8. Ok, this may be my favorite post ever...enough to comment, even!

  9. I love the music, brings me waaaaaay back. I love the critters too, more than the music. Alan and George cracked me up, scooting past Hank. No dummies there!!!

  10. Good boys! Lovely that they run in for you.

  11. Just when I think your last post was the funnest (is that a word?) you surprise me once again........I will watch that video over and over :)

    It is, indeed, a Carson Classic !!!

  12. Linda,

    You are TOO funny. Hahaha. Thanks for the grin.


  13. love that dinner bell & video. donkeys don't ever get in a hurry do they, my guy cracks me up with his "I'll get there when I get there attitude" while the horses are chomping or pasing back & forth

  14. How cool is that? I've enjoyed the posts this week. I so want to be you when I grow up!

  15. Thanks for putting a huge smile on my face this morning! This is priceless. Very similar to my dog Rusty's metal bowl hitting the counter...

  16. This is absolutely hilarious! I love the video! It's great to see them in action and catch a glimpse of their personalities. Thanks!

  17. That is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! Love it! Especially when your horse runs up and noses the dinner bell. What a hoot!

  18. Laughed and laughed! How do you get all these great ideas for blog posts? And what is our favorite lens for your camera?
    This was great, really great! Thank you!

  19. You've outdone yourself again! We laughed so hard over here, that's fantastic! They sure do come running, don't they? Well, maybe not George and Alan, lol, but they come!
    Oh, we just loved that video. You are the best!

  20. that was way to cute! I wonder if I an train mine to come to the bell? May be hard for my Zoe..she is deaf..but she would follow Betsy!

  21. This video is simply "MARVELOUS". The music takes me back too. I've always loved "Bonanza" and never tire of the reruns. Hoss Cartright (Dan Blocker of course) was from TX, I've been told. A former colleague of mine met him once at the birthay party of a young girl who was a godchild of Dan. The Ponderoso gang was awesome and so is the 7 MSN Ranch crew and blogspot!! Belton Belle

  22. Bonanza has never, NEVER! looked so good! Thanks for sharing ;-)

  23. That was very cool! Puts a new meaning to Pavlov's behavior training.

  24. Love how the burros scoot right past Lyle's hindquarters.

  25. That is just adorable, thanks for making my day :)

  26. OMG, that's hilarious! I LOVED watching your guys come racing out of the back 40 at the sound of the bell. Outstanding!

    I've been AWOL for a few trouble...'nuff said.

  27. I love how the burros are so much more dignified about the dinner thing. No silly running to the barn for dinner----just chillin'.

  28. Love that bell! Your video is just precious, thanks!

  29. Linda,

    I swear your animals are smiling. You must have a very good connection to them because they sure do look happy when they see you!

    All farm animals should be so lucky!


  30. I love the way they scooch past Hank at the end there. Smart boys!
