
Sunday, June 14, 2009

It was worth getting up extra early

And to think I almost rolled over and went back to sleep.

Carrizozo, New Mexico's annual Cowboy Days celebration happened this weekend. The first event on Saturday's agenda was a cattle round-up. The cowboys and the herd were expected to arrive at the pens at 7. I could be there to watch and take a bazillion pictures if I got my butt out of bed at 3. I hemmed, I hawed, and finally decided that such opportunities don't come along every day and I'd best just cowgirl up and go.

Was is worth it? Without a doubt. And you'll be hearing about it here all week long.

There were cowboys and cows, and friendly folks who served up a biscuits-and-gravy breakfast in the corral.

Then a parade – with burros and mules, and a Wells Fargo wagon and a job opportunity. And the longhorn steers? You're not going to believe what I've got to show you regarding those steers. Seriously – if I didn't have the pictures, I wouldn't believe it myself. And the shopping opportunities, have I mentioned those? Or the bank robbery and shootout on Main Street? Dang, I love living in New Mexico.


  1. That first photo....amazing!!! Well worth getting up so early for.

  2. You keep this up, I swear, the next place I live is going to be there. Not kidding!!
    I can't wait to see. Did I mention how much I dearly love biscuits and gravy?

  3. I think I will be retiring to New Mexico! Everyone who blogs from there, has the most beautiful scenery and blue skies! I am loving it! Do you think I can get my other half to move? No. He doesn't like the heat!
    Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures, I am sure they will be amazing!

  4. Dang, I can hardly wait for your posts and pictures this coming week. A parade with burros, a job opportunity???, longhorn steers, and shopping ... woo hoo, bring it on! Sounds like you had a blast!

    The first picture today is amazing with the blue of the mountains, and heck, who can resist the cute calf in number 3.

  5. Hey Carson: I'm glad you got your butt out of bed for this celebration. Looks like an interesting week of cowboy/cowgirl stories. Texas holds these parades and the Texas longhorns are saddled up with a rider. I wonder how they train a cow to ride. This has always amazed me.
    Great pictures as always. Thanks for sharing. Best always, Sandra

  6. Sounds like it was worth losing some sleep over. Great pictures. Can't wait to hear about everything.

  7. Even when I don't want to get up early (4:30 -5am) I do. It's the part of the day I love the most. 3am? not so much...

    Looking forward to seeing what you saw. thanks for getting up so early so you could share it with us.

  8. Beautiful photos, especially the one of the calf. I'm glad you got up early, too, and are sharing the results with readers. Thanks.

  9. Glad you cowgirl the heck up so you can show us all the pictures! Can't wait! I would so loved to do this! Luanne

  10. oh so worthy of getting up early and i can not wait to see more!

  11. Wow, so much in a single day, the photos are beautiful, looking forward to seeing more

  12. Oh, it's going to be a fun week !!!!!! And you got up at 3 am for us????????

  13. How fun...but at 3:00 am, I would have been trying to roll over too.

    Your pictures today are really nice, I am sure you will keep us up to snuff the rest of the week...can't wait.

  14. My animal Vet recently was telling me that he worked with some cowboys once, and they knew more about doctoring than he did. :-)

    Thank you for getting up out of that bed.

  15. More cowboys - I'll be back this week for sure! Now that summer is here, I miss two of my fave activities, rodeo and pow wow.

  16. Thanks for getting up early. I look forward to following your posts.

  17. A bank robbery and a shoot out in the street. I love Wild West celebrations. We just had the Bear Flag Revolt ceremony, which has disappointingly tame and dignified. If the Native Sons of the Golden West had really wanted to be authentic, they would have dressed as drunken miners and rampaged all over Sonoma Square. That's my idea of a Western celebration.

  18. Very cool, I can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

  19. all I can say is....WOW!

    How cool was that, what an experience, and the pictures are great!

    Thanks for sharing this...

  20. You got some great pictures. Glad you rolled out of bed and went :)

  21. Okay, you snuck in a lot of stuff here...I heard cowboys, job opportunity, parade, shopping...what else?...oh yea, a bank robbery & shoot out. Can't wait to hear more of the details.

    BTW, the shot of those indigo hills...unbelievably beautiful! Wow!

  22. Gorgeous, gorgeous Linda. I am so glad you could be there since I am still here. It stinks...but will get better some day.

    Thanks for my daily dose of NM...I feel better now.
