
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey, lady, you need a new hat

Even with a snazzy rattlesnake hatband, my everyday hat has been looking a little worse for wear. You know you need a new hat when the Paint in the peanut gallery offers you his. More on him later in the week.

I'd been shopping for a new hat for a few months but hadn't been able to find anything that fit correctly. Could be because I have the most crooked head in the west. When I put on an off-the-rack hat, if my head is facing north, the hat will be facing northwest.

The weekend's Wild West Jubilee presented as many shopping ops as photo ops, and I found a hat-maker to bend and shape and crease and size a perfect hat that would fit my very imperfect head.

He started with a beaver felt blank, then steamed the crown so that he could form the crease.

Then he steamed it some more, sprayed the inside of the crown with some magic potion, and set it aside to dry.

While I was waiting for my hat to dry, all the mounted shooters rode by in a little parade, including these lovely ladies.  Their hats were nice, but I like mine alot better.

Back inside the hat shop, the hatmaker trimmed the brim and put the finishing touches on the crease.

Then I finally got to try it on...again...and again...and again.  He had to keep adjusting the middle of the brim to get it to align with my head.  

When he finished, the hat fit perfectly.  I do believe it will stay on no matter how fast I ride or how hard the wind is blowing.  

This is the only picture I've got to show you for now (thanks for trying, least the guy's legs are in focus).  


  1. Glad you finally found a guy to make a hat fit your head properly. You look great in it too!

  2. Linda, I love the photos of the hat-maker - wow!

    You do look great in your new perfect-fit hat - this entire post makes me want to pack my truck and head on out for a visit. I am feeling a bit of my old gypsy self this week. (possibly a result of having 3 sick family members for the past 3 days - now they're getting well and I want to get a break!)

  3. Nice new hat, but I never did see a picture of that rattlesnake hatband!

  4. You look really good in your new hat and I'm anxious to see the rattlesnake band on it.

    In Pigeon Forge, TN, there is a man at one shop there that does such things to hats that makes them fit perfectly ... it's quite a process to watch and the end result is amazing, as you well know.

  5. I had to go dig out my old felt hat and put it on. Might jaunty, I must say. But yours is perfection. Good shopping!

  6. I love hat makers. They are just the coolest people ever. They never laugh when you arrive with a funny head (like me) extra large but no extra brains though!
    I am going to Texas to a ranch in Oct. and I'm out to find a boot maker and a hat maker. They must have some good ones in Texas. Your hat is just fabulous on you Carson. Did the bunch recognize you when you came home?
    Always great to read your blog.

  7. Lover-ly my, did he sell the brush and the spray and all the goodies to keep that beauty clean? Or maybe it's just for nights on the town and not for the real WEST? (I mean the one out in your corral/barn?)


  8. handsome hat man.... and great hat!!

  9. Who knew there was so much to fitting a hat? I love watching a craftsman at work. Very fine hat.

  10. He made a great hat for you!!! Hat makers are such artists...I love watching them at work.
