Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Waiting for the dinner bell

Keep her distracted. I'll sneak around behind her and yank that thing from around her neck.
Maybe then she'll feed us.


  1. You really do have an uncommonly cute ass.

  2. your animals are quite the characters...

  3. Please continue the posts. I have passed on your site to many friends and we enjoy your blog. I suspect we are readers rather than commenters and need to improve to let you know that you are enjoyed and appreciated.

    My first blog stop is pioneerwoman and you are my second. I have several others and often force myself to visit them in alphabetical order. BUT, when I need a boost I skip order and go straight to your blog for my joy for the day. Your humor and photos are a blessing. Please keep blogging. Thank You for allowing me a glimpse into your heaven.

  4. Great pictures. I'm sure none of them are starving although they always think they are.

  5. I can never get enough of your donkeys, I am so hopelessly lost in anything longears.

  6. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Those pictures are priceless!!! Your blog always give me a smile or a laugh or two each day.

  7. Tell George and Alan that if would just stop being so cute they'd get fed a LOT faster!! :)

  8. Hey there!!!
    I was glad to see that all has been well at the 7MSN while I have been away. :) How is Wynona doing???

  9. Why are donkeys so gosh darn cute!!!!

  10. Looks like everybody is waiting on you.

  11. Isn't it funny how the critters are the trainers when we really think WE are? And they are so subtle about it. Except when the donkeys start HONKING!

  12. Thanks so much for the visit and comment! I really love meeting other New Mexico horse folks and lovers of this grand, wild place here. Please visit if you're ever in the northern part and meet my Wild Boys! Carmon

  13. Such expressive faces. It's clear what event takes priorty at your place :-)

  14. Great, great pictures. Love the big ears on the burros. Had to crack up at the "yank that thing from her neck." I feel like my horse looks at me like of these days he's going to grab it and run!

  15. That's the universal 'feed me' look alright. Alan looks like he has a very happenin' hairdo...I don't think I've noticed it before. Maybe it's because he's so gaunt with hunger today. ;o)

  16. How can you resist kissing those fuzzy little faces?

    How's the driving going?

  17. I am tellin you those two are just so cute. They do look like they are up to no good though!

  18. "Muuuuummm!!! What's for tea????"
    Lol adorable!!!

  19. The more I read your blog the more I think your animals are working on a plot! Do you think they are planning to take over the world? Wouldn't mind betting it would be an improvement on the current world leaders!!
