Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I guess the joke's on me

My little burritos wouldn't let me in on the joke. From the look on George's face, it was so bad, he was embarASSed to tell it.


  1. GREAT PICS! Oh, those guys are too darn cute.

  2. they are just way too cute!!!!!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog (via the carnival). Stop by and comment on my 100th post for a chance to win a bridle and reins. Drawing is Feb. 14th.

  4. They were definitely up to something!

  5. LOL - they are so cute.

    I thought of you last night when I was reading a post on a horse forum about someone asking how to catch a donkey. He was told by a number of folks that it is basically impossible to get donkeys to do the things horses do, like load on request into trailers. I almost sent them over here, so they could see George and Alan taking their trip to the vet!

  6. Great pictures, they are just too cute. You probably wouldn't have gotten the punchline anyway, I'm sure it was a burro joke between friends.

  7. His nostrils are so funny looking. I don't guess I have ever seen the sequence of the nostrils before the hee-haw.

    Great pictures!

  8. They are way too cute! I have a special place in my heart for donkeys. We had one that was a little pistol but fun to be around! Such personalities!

  9. The look on Allen's face on the third picture is priceless!!
    Although George often comes out as the driving force in their relationship, Allen is my fav. I've always had a weak spot for black/dark brown donkeys!

    Greetings from Ishtar's Ark,

  10. Alan's enjoying it though! I love those two!

  11. They are adorable. I have never had a donkey but have always thought they are so cute. It's wonderful you have two of them to enjoy each other even if the rest of the world 'doesn't get it'.

  12. I think Alan has heard that old joke before. George, it's time for some new material. :-)

  13. They are so cute! This blog has some of the best, cutest, funniest donkey pictures I have ever seen. Love it!

  14. Yup, I think it was a private in-joke; the flared nostrils gave it away...

  15. It just keeps getting better!! I know I say it each time ... they're toooo cute, how can you top that, but you do/they do and I get a good laugh!

  16. Oh, those beautifully expressive faces!! Donkeys *do* have a wicked sense of humor, you know...

  17. So darn cute!! Do you have a pic and post you could include on Wed. on my blog....I am hosting Love on Wednesday.....only in February....I know you would contribute much to this idea..... Post will be up after 7:30 this evening.

  18. They are just too cute!

  19. Those two always crack me up! There are more funny personalities around your place, than there around mine and that is saying somethin'.

  20. Too stinkin' funny! LOL LOL LOL

  21. I want donkeys!! Stop posting cutie, patootie pictures of them. It's just plain torture.

  22. Linda - It's a guy thing - that's why they call it "he haws".

  23. You just don't get any cuter than those two! They remind me of my grandfather and his brother for some reason...??

  24. Oh dear...they are SO funny and adorable it just kills me :) Whenever I'm having a bad day I can count on visiting the 7MSN for my burro fix and burro smile...thank you! And know I've got my very own kitchen burroes with George and Alan starring on my wall in their calendar. Sigh. I loooooooooove them!
    Squishes to all,

  25. I'm with everybody else on the smile-factor of this blog. You and your crew give all who visit a warm spot and a smile. There's a lot to be said for that!

    I love the way the sun looks so toasty on Alan's (I hope that's Alan?) back. The both look so cuddly!

    Have a great week!

  26. Hilarious. You capture the greatest moments.

  27. They are so expressive, I never knew that!! And adorable. (just found your blog through a few others, it's cute!! I love it)

  28. I love that Sam made your blog. Adorable!
