
Friday, June 6, 2008

Extreme feed room makeover

I’m on vacation this week...allegedly. Instead of toiling at my paying job, I’m toiling on ranch improvements. My folks are visiting, and what better time to do chores that require a helping hand than when I have a helping hand. I had seen an article in the January issue of Western Horseman on how to build a grain bin, and it seemed like just the ticket for tidying up the chaos in my feed room.

So here is what the non-hay-storage end of the feed room looked like before we started - but after I had cleared out the pails, the containers, and the trash cans that held all sorts of supplements and feed. I'd be too embarassed to show you that.

And here is the new feed bin.

Open the lid and everything is tucked away, safe from the dust, safe from the varmints, and safe from any prying equines named Lyle who might undo the latch, turn the doorknob, and walk into the room in search of a midnight snack.


  1. We cannot wait to see Wynonna in her piggy pool!! Awesome grain bin. My sister uses our old, large, wooden 4-H tack box, for the same thing. Don't you always feel good when things are clean and tidy? Pat yourself, and whoever else helped you, on the back!

  2. Wow, very organized, I'm impressed. It will make your life much easier to be able to have everything in one spot. We just cleaned out and organized our feed shed too, it really does make it more efficient.

  3. That cracks me up about Lyle! It's like perpetual toddlers ...

    The bin looks great, btw!

  4. I just love how organized you are! I have some order in my feed area, but it seems to stay perpetually dusty, and I wish I had a feed room that was more like a kitchen in the barn. Sink, counter, fridge, shelves, etc.

  5. SWEEEET!!!! You and your helpers did a terrific job. Kudos to you and yours!

    We must be walking on parallel universes. My hubby helped me organize my tack/feed room yesterday. And I remembered to take photos, too! I'll post about it on my blog in a bit.

  6. Looks great and very organized. You sure know how to get things done. You've had a productive spring! ;)
